Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hey you! Hey you! It's episode 25!

It has two sub files too, one with the insert song translated and the other without any additional stuff on screen.

Video with two ASSes

Just the dual ASS

A batch torrent is fine too

Oh, and Who's That WM? posted last time now has some additional information from Professor Cotset.


  1. Damn, you're rolling them out right now! Thanks tons.

  2. Wow. Thank you infinitely for another episode! I watched 24 last night and the episode preview had me chomping at the bit for the next one...and here it is!

    Man, this show never ceases to entertain and surprise me with its rampant creativity. This is definitely one of Tomino's best, I think, and already a personal favorite.

    Half-way there! Awesome! You guys are so awesome!

    ...excuse me, I need to stop, I'm drooling. >_>

  3. Great job guys reaching about the halfway milestone~

  4. Thanks a bunch for the torrent guys.
